Here’s another student project, this one in graphic design. A full page add for a fictional pair of slides for a fictional athletic wear company.
Week 5 Show Me: Web Design Process Boxes
A class exercise in positioning boxes with useful information in them. Because we used position:absolute this won’t work well on mobile despite my best efforts. But a decent aesthetic.
Trinity Episcopal Church Newark, Ohio
This is my final project for DMD 120 Web Design and Development 1. This is a proposed replacement for a real Episcopal parish’s actual website, which was made in the old Google Sites. It is fully functional, and I am looking for internships.
Contact Form
Here is a simple contact us form for a website, which then shows the information back to the user via PHP. My first foray into PHP.
Sonney’s Side: Breakfast All Day / Made Your Way
This is my most elaborate project yet, a website for a fictional food truck company. It has multiple pages and a single common css style sheet. The blue exterior shot of the food truck is also my work, a composite image created in Adobe Photoshop.
St. Swithun’s Homepage
Here’s a homepage for a fictitious Episcopal parish, the sort of site I want to work on IRL. It needs some improvement with graphics, etc, and the links are placeholders. But I now know how to make a good navbar.
Mrs. Johnstone’s botique.
Not a particularly good first attempt at a nav bar.
Church Crawling 2
This is the second half of the two-part project. It’s probably the first site I will come back and improve on my own. I managed to figure out how to get what I needed done, but I don’t think I did it the right way.
Church Crawling 1
This exercise is more in css and divs, I’m also going beyond my class to learn how to use position tags.
Trinity Episcopal Church – Newark, Ohio
Inheriting this project and taking it over was what got me interested in web design and web development in the first place. I’m still updating it via the old and more powerful google sites, but by the end of the semester I plan on transitioning to updating it via html and css.